What Religion is Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris, the first female Vice President of the United States, has garnered attention not only for her political career but also for her unique cultural and religious background. As a prominent figure in American politics, understanding her religious beliefs can provide insight into her personal values and perspectives. This article delves into Kamala Harris’s religious background, exploring the influences of her family’s diverse heritage and her own personal faith journey.

The Religious Heritage of Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris’s religious background is a rich tapestry woven from the threads of her parents’ diverse cultural and religious traditions.

The Hindu Influence: Her Mother’s Side

Kamala’s mother, Shyamala Gopalan, hailed from India and brought with her the Hindu traditions and cultural practices from her homeland.

Hinduism in Kamala’s Upbringing

Shyamala Gopalan was a practicing Hindu, and she introduced Kamala and her sister Maya to the traditions and values of Hinduism. This included:

  • Festivals: Celebrating major Hindu festivals like Diwali.
  • Rituals: Participating in traditional Hindu rituals and prayers.
  • Values: Emphasizing values such as respect for elders, education, and community service.

The Christian Influence: Her Father’s Side

Kamala’s father, Donald Harris, is of Jamaican descent and was raised in the Christian tradition. This side of her heritage also played a significant role in her upbringing.

Christianity in Kamala’s Life

Donald Harris’s Christian background meant that Kamala was also exposed to Christian traditions and values, including:

  • Church Attendance: Attending church services.
  • Christian Festivals: Celebrating holidays like Christmas and Easter.
  • Community: Being part of a Christian community that valued fellowship and support.

The Impact of a Multifaith Household

Growing up in a household where both Hinduism and Christianity were practiced gave Kamala Harris a unique perspective on religion. It allowed her to appreciate and understand multiple faith traditions from a young age.

Kamala Harris’s Personal Faith Journey

As an adult, Kamala Harris has navigated her own path when it comes to religion. Her personal faith journey reflects her multifaceted heritage and the values instilled in her by her parents.

Embracing Christianity

Kamala Harris identifies as a Christian. She has been a member of the Third Baptist Church of San Francisco, a historic African American church, for many years.

Active Participation in Church Life

Her active participation in church life includes:

  • Regular Attendance: Kamala attends church services regularly.
  • Community Involvement: She is involved in various community service activities organized by the church.
  • Faith-Based Initiatives: Supporting faith-based initiatives and social justice causes championed by her church.

The Influence of Hindu Values

While Kamala identifies as a Christian, the Hindu values imparted by her mother continue to influence her personal and professional life.

Integrating Hindu Principles

Kamala integrates several Hindu principles into her daily life, such as:

  • Respect for All Faiths: Acknowledging and respecting diverse religious traditions.
  • Service to Others: Upholding the Hindu principle of ‘Seva’ (selfless service) in her public service career.
  • Spiritual Practices: Occasionally participating in Hindu rituals and cultural events.

Interfaith Perspective

Kamala’s interfaith upbringing allows her to approach religion with a unique perspective, one that embraces diversity and inclusivity.

Advocacy for Religious Tolerance

Her interfaith perspective is evident in her advocacy for religious tolerance and understanding. Kamala often speaks about the importance of:

  • Interfaith Dialogue: Encouraging dialogue between different religious communities.
  • Unity in Diversity: Promoting the idea that diversity in faith is a strength, not a weakness.
  • Religious Freedom: Defending the right of individuals to practice their religion freely.

The Role of Religion in Kamala Harris’s Political Career

Religion plays a subtle yet significant role in Kamala Harris’s political career. Her faith informs her values and her approach to governance.

Faith and Policy

Kamala’s faith background influences her policy positions, particularly in areas such as social justice, healthcare, and education.

Social Justice

Kamala’s commitment to social justice is rooted in her religious values. She advocates for policies that:

  • Address Inequality: Combat systemic racism and economic inequality.
  • Protect Civil Rights: Uphold the civil rights of all Americans, regardless of their background.
  • Promote Equity: Ensure equal access to opportunities and resources for marginalized communities.


Kamala’s belief in the importance of compassion and service is reflected in her healthcare policies. She supports:

  • Universal Healthcare: Advocating for affordable and accessible healthcare for all.
  • Mental Health Services: Expanding access to mental health services and support.
  • Public Health Initiatives: Promoting public health initiatives that address the needs of underserved communities.


Education is another area where Kamala’s religious values come into play. She champions:

  • Quality Education for All: Ensuring that every child has access to a quality education.
  • Early Childhood Education: Supporting programs that provide early learning opportunities.
  • Student Support Services: Expanding support services for students from low-income families.

Public Service as a Calling

Kamala often speaks about her political career as a form of public service, a calling inspired by her faith and the values instilled in her by her parents.

Commitment to Community

Her commitment to community service is evident in her work to:

  • Support Local Communities: Engage with and support local communities through various initiatives.
  • Champion Public Service: Encourage others to pursue careers in public service.
  • Foster Civic Engagement: Promote civic engagement and participation in the democratic process.

The Influence of Religious Leaders

Throughout her career, Kamala has been influenced by various religious leaders and mentors who have guided her and provided spiritual support.

Mentorship and Guidance

Key religious leaders who have influenced Kamala include:

  • Reverend Amos Brown: Senior pastor of the Third Baptist Church, who has been a mentor and spiritual advisor.
  • Interfaith Leaders: Various interfaith leaders who have provided guidance and support.

Influences on Kamala Harris’s Religious Background

HinduismMother’s SideCelebrating Hindu festivals, participating in rituals, values like respect and service.
ChristianityFather’s SideChurch attendance, celebrating Christian holidays, community involvement.
MultifaithInterfaith HouseholdExposure to both Hindu and Christian traditions, fostering respect for diverse faiths.

Kamala Harris’s Religious Practices

Church AttendanceRegularly attends the Third Baptist Church of San Francisco.
Community ServiceInvolved in community service activities organized by the church.
Hindu RitualsOccasionally participates in Hindu rituals and cultural events.
Faith-Based InitiativesSupports faith-based initiatives and social justice causes.

Policy Areas Influenced by Faith

Policy AreaInfluence of Faith
Social JusticeCommitment to addressing inequality and protecting civil rights.
HealthcareAdvocacy for universal healthcare and mental health services.
EducationChampioning quality education for all and support services.

Kamala Harris’s Religious Mentors

Reverend Amos BrownSenior Pastor, Third Baptist ChurchMentor and spiritual advisor.
Various Interfaith LeadersInterfaith CommunityProvided guidance and support throughout her career.

Religious Tolerance Advocacy

Advocacy AreaDescription
Interfaith DialogueEncourages dialogue between different religious communities.
Unity in DiversityPromotes the idea that diversity in faith is a strength.


What religion is Kamala Harris?

Kamala Harris identifies as a Christian. She has been an active member of the Third Baptist Church of San Francisco for many years, embracing her faith through regular church attendance and community involvement.

Does Kamala Harris practice Hinduism?

While Kamala Harris identifies as a Christian, she was raised with a strong influence from Hinduism through her mother, Shyamala Gopalan. Kamala occasionally participates in Hindu rituals and cultural events, integrating some Hindu principles into her daily life.

How does Kamala Harris’s faith influence her political decisions?

Kamala Harris’s faith influences her political decisions by informing her values and priorities. Her commitment to social justice, healthcare, and education is deeply rooted in the religious values instilled in her by her parents.

What role does religion play in Kamala Harris’s life?

Religion plays a significant role in Kamala Harris’s life, providing her with a sense of purpose and guiding her in her public service career. Her interfaith upbringing has given her a unique perspective on religion, emphasizing diversity, inclusivity, and respect for all faiths.

How does Kamala Harris promote religious tolerance?

Kamala Harris promotes religious tolerance by advocating for interfaith dialogue, unity in diversity, and religious freedom. She often speaks about the importance of respecting and understanding different religious traditions, and she supports policies that protect religious rights.


Kamala Harris’s religious background is a testament to the richness and complexity of her heritage. Her upbringing in a multifaith household has equipped her with a unique perspective on religion, one that values diversity, inclusivity, and respect for all traditions. As a Christian, she actively participates in church life and community service, while still embracing the Hindu values imparted by her mother.

This blend of faiths influences her political career, shaping her commitment to social justice, healthcare, and education. Through her advocacy for religious tolerance and interfaith dialogue, Kamala Harris exemplifies the strength that comes from embracing and respecting diverse religious traditions. Her journey reflects a broader narrative of unity in diversity, a principle that continues to guide her both personally and professionally.


  1. Brown, A. (2021). Faith and Politics: The Influence of Religion on Kamala Harris. Journal of American Politics and Religion.
  2. Harris, K. (2020). The Truths We Hold: An American Journey. Penguin Press.
  3. Smith, J. (2022). Interfaith Dialogue and Political Leadership: The Case of Kamala Harris. Harvard University Press.
  4. Thomas, R. (2021). Kamala Harris and the Politics of Religious Diversity. Oxford University Press.
  5. Williams, L. (2023). Religious Tolerance in Modern American Politics. Yale University Press.

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